
What is BitSight 

The BitSight Platform is used to help companies measure and track the security of their own organization to understand and remediate risk across their supply chain. The Platform continues to expand value to companies in areas like Cyber Insurance Underwriting, Governments understanding risks across their nations and industries, and business being able to understand cyber risk associated with mergers and acquisitions. These expanding use cases show the value in the data we collect and its relevance in many disciplines.

How is the rating calculated 

1. Ratings are fed by a massive set of publicly accessible data: 200+ billion security events gathered (~10B/day) globally and processed every day. 

2. This data is then mapped to specific company IP addresses. 

3. Ratings are broken into 3 categories: Compromised Systems, Security Diligence, and User Behavior. If a breach has occurred, we capture that too. 

4. Our algorithm takes all of this information and calculates the top level rating on a daily basis. Our algorithm is updated annually to ensure that we are always factoring in the latest risks, given the changing nature of cybersecurity.

5. All of this is feeds the easy-to-understand 3 digit rating from 250-900

Why should I use BitSight to monitor my Infrastructure?

1. Instead of conducting point in time assessments (Pen testing, audits, etc), you can continuously monitor your infrastructure with updated data on a daily basis;

2. Enables you to benchmark against your industry and peers;

3. Enables you to discuss the cybersecurity strategy in a business understandable language (board-level reporting)

4. Enables you to improve your performance with verifiable, actionable data.

5. Reputation/ Brand Management: Your company can be continuously monitored by other companies.

Why should I use BitSight to monitor my critical suppliers?

1. Questionnaires and traditional methods lack visibility over a company’s IT security risk;

2. 63% of all data breaches happened because of third-parties (Delta Airlines, Sears, Marriott Hotels, Etc..)

3. BitSight enables you to view the risk of third-parties on a daily basis;

4. BitSight enables you to collaborate with critical vendors and help them remediate issues and improve cybersecurity performance.

BitSight Prices 

BitSight is SAAS product and its charged annually depending on the below information;

1. Level of service needed as specified below

2. Number of IP addresses (> or < than 4000 IPs) 

3. Number of third parties the customer wish to monitor 

BitSight References 

More than 2100 companies of all sizes and industries have chosen BitSight as their Security Ratings partner, including all of the Big 4 accounting firms, 4 of the top investment bank such as Wells Fargo and more than 40 governmental agencies around the globe. 

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