Smart Keeper Products Distributor


Physical Hardware Security

We sell various products tailored specifically for hardware security such as USB lock and network port lock. These range of products from Smart Keeper offers several aspects to strengthen your physical system security.

Smart Keeper Product Range

USB port lock

1. Entry Level USB lock

-Physically blocks access to any unused USB ports
-Quick and easy to install
-Requires no electricity, software or expertise
-Requires no maintenance or upgrades
-The key only works for locks of the same colour
-Four colour sets available; brown, purple, yellow and dark blue

2. Enterprise Level USB lock

-Single key solution
-4 colours to choose from
-The key comes with LED flash light, battery can last for 200 hours
-Anti-static rubber handle
-Retractable key head for protection
-Key head is made of high strength metal alloy, resistant to bending
-Ergonomic design

3. Professional USB lock

-Single key solution
-4 colours to choose from
-The key comes with LED flash light, battery can last for 200 hours
-Anti-static rubber handle
-Retractable key head for protection
-Key head is made of high strength metal alloy, resistant to bending
-Ergonomic design

Network Port & Module lock

-Locks individual network cables so they cannot be unplugged without the key
-This prevents unauthorised removal of network cables
-The network module lock can secure from 8 – 12 ports (connected cables)
 -Protect network installation from physical intrusion
-Low cost
-Easy installation, neat
-No maintenance/upgrade required

Link Lock & Link Lock Hub

-Prevents unauthorised removal of attached USB devices without the key
-Protect against threats from insertion of infected devices such as smart phones, thumb drives, etc
-Compatible with USB3.0
-Thin keyhole (0.4 mm)
-Large variation of key patterns
-Ideal for systems that require USB devices
-Serves as secure USB hub for multiple attached USB devices
-Locks all connected devices and prevent unauthorised removal
-Compatible with “Link Lock”

DVI, Serial & Parallel port lock

-Prevents unauthorised access to any unused DVI ports on your devices
-Secure unused Parallel port on the PC
-Blocks unused COM/Serial port on PC

Link-on Lock & Optical Disk Drive Lock

-Tiny USB stick
-Locks into place and cannot be removed without the key
-Secure optical disk drive from unauthorised access

PC & Notebook Lock

Notebook Lock-Locks onto any USB port to tether the notebook
-Compatible with any available USB port
-Anti-theft cable included (1.8 m)
-Combination type
PC Casing Lock-Prevents unauthorised opening of computer case
-Custom key patterns available

Universal SmartKeeper key

-Comes with unique serial number
-Can be used on multiple SmartKeeper lock products
-Numerous key patterns with strict controls
-Comes with flashlight
-Anti static rubber handle
-Retractable key head for protection
-Ergonomic & easy to use
-Key head made of durable metal alloy which are resistant to bending