July 15, 2022
Celebrating His Majesty’s 76th Birthday
Wishing His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan Yang Dipertuan Brunei Darussalam a Happy 76th Birthday. May Allah continue to bless with a good health, long life and prosperity.
Daulat Kebawah Duli Tuan Patik.
> READ MOREJuly 10, 2022
Salam Eid’Adha 1443H!
June 21, 2022
First Aider certified at Aegis
21st June 2022, 4 staff from Aegis participated in the first aid training for 2 days and was conducted by Joffren Omar Co Sdn Bhd at ASDS Sdn Bhd in Mentiri.
The participants learned first aid through practical and training manuals for in-depth understanding of first aid.
The first aid course teaches them various skills from proper CPR techniques, rescue breat...