August 13, 2019
King Pins Bowling Tournament 2019

Last Friday, 13th August 2019, Aegis staff totaling 30, participated in an intramural bowling competition. There were 6 different teams and each group had 5 participants which were randomly selected from the various departments: Human Resources Unit, Internal Security Unit, Business Development Unit, Cash Unit, Guarding Unit, Admin Unit, IT Unit. Our Director, Mr Ahmad Bin Isa and CEO, Mr Jorge Vega joined in the fun.
The 9-8-9 pins with 30 frames games started with group photos and demonstrations of each group’s cheer chant. The competition concluded with a medal ceremony with Director, Mr Ahmad Bin Isa presenting. Purple team Sakti won the competition. 1st Runner Up was the Snow White team which included Mr Ahmad bin Isa and the 2nd Runner up was Blue team E-Bola.
Prizes were also awarded to best player, Nazri from the Cash Unit who racked up an impressive overall score of 518 and worst player with score of 173, Bahriah from Business Development Unit.
Blue Team (Avatar) Green Team (Hulk Smash) Purple Team (Sakti) Yellow Team (Minion) White Team (Snow White) Red Team (E-Bola) Presentation Ceremony Director and CEO Committee Member Champion (Purple Team) 1st Runner (White Team) 2nd Runner (Red Team)