June 21, 2022
First Aider certified at Aegis

21st June 2022, 4 staff from Aegis participated in the first aid training for 2 days and was conducted by Joffren Omar Co Sdn Bhd at ASDS Sdn Bhd in Mentiri.
The participants learned first aid through practical and training manuals for in-depth understanding of first aid.
The first aid course teaches them various skills from proper CPR techniques, rescue breath, Heimlich, poisoning, stings, lifting and moving, dislocations, fractures, ligaments, sprains, use of AEDs and how to place the patients in a state of recovery until the medical care team arrives.
They were assessed at the end of the course and became certified first-aiders. This course is to equip the staff with knowledge and skills to provide emergency care in the event of an emergency.