IT Asset Destruction (ITAD)

ASDS provides end-to-end services for ITAD which includes:

Logistics and Manpower

We can provide manpower and transportation to pick up disposed assets from designated locations for destruction on our premises.

Hard Disk Degaussing

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Degaussing is a way to ensure the complete and permanent erasure of data stored in magnetic drives such as hard disks and magnetic tapes. This is done by placing the disk on a degausser. Degaussing will render the hard drive inoperable but it mitigates the risk and therefore the cost to a company in the event that an unauthorised party is able to recover stored data from the disposed of disk or drive.

Hard Disk Shredding

Hard disk shredding will completely destroy a hard disk drive and render them completely unusable. Our hard disk shredder is capable of reducing a whole hard disk into scrap metals in under 1 minute.

Equipment Crushing and Pulverisation

Pulverising involves the use of a hydraulic press to crush the target material or equipment. This is usually done on objects or equipment made of metal or hard plastic in order to render them inoperable, and irrecoverable, reduce their size, and make them more compact for disposal.

Material Recovery & Recycle

Wastes from IT assets often contain valuable material e.g. Copper in cables. These materials can be recovered and recycled or sold to recover a portion of the value.