Document Digitisation

Going Digital
At ASDS, we believe that the future will be less reliant of paper-based forms of documentation and that more organisations are going to minimise the paperload as the organisation grows. As part of our services, we offer digitisation services to scan, organise, index and upload your documents to ensure that your organisation is no longer reliant on vulnerable pieces of paper. In physical terms, you will also likely need less storage space to archive your documents and also minimise your chances of losing documents when you really need them. With our trained teams of scanners, you can rest assured that your documents will remain safe in its digital form.
Media We Digitise
We are able to digitise all manner of two dimensional media formats. This includes paper items from postage stamp size, up to A0+: such as old historical manuscripts, archived documents, wide format prints, photographs, maps, books, postcards, diaries, magazines and newspapers. We have specialised scanners capable for appropriately handling and imaging different types of media to ensure the highest possible quality to meet industrial standards. Additionally, our highly trained and competent scanning operators are equipped with the skills and knowledge to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your documents.
Catered to Your Needs
Our experienced scanning teams, necessary equipment and furnishings can be deployed to your premises to ensure that your documents remain in your custody and control. Alternatively, your documents can also be transported to our premises at ASDS Mentiri where we are able to integrate with our archiving services. Sorting and indexing are arranged according to your specifications following a detailed study and consultation with our scanning team.
Once all predefined details are agreed upon and scanning has commenced, our operators are capable of scanning up to 2,500 images per day per operator in ideal conditions. All of our scanned images are quality checked and controlled by our scanning to ensure the images are digitized correctly. Additionally, we also able to upload your scanned images and integrate with any of your existing document management systems.