Happy 39th National Day

ASDS Sdn Bhd would like to wish Happy 39th National Day Brunei Darussalam.
Our office will be closed on Thursday, 23rd February 2023 during National Day. We will resume our operations on Friday, 24th February 2023.
ASDS Sdn Bhd would like to wish Happy 39th National Day Brunei Darussalam.
Our office will be closed on Thursday, 23rd February 2023 during National Day. We will resume our operations on Friday, 24th February 2023.
ASDS provides end-to-end services for ITAD which includes:
We can provide manpower and transportation to pick up disposed assets from designated locations for destruction on our premises.
Degaussing is a way to ensure the complete and permanent erasure of data stored in magnetic drives such as hard disks and magnetic tapes. This is done by placing the disk on a degausser. Degaussing will render the hard drive inoperable but it mitigates the risk and therefore the cost to a company in the event that an unauthorised party is able to recover stored data from the disposed of disk or drive.
Hard disk shredding will completely destroy a hard disk drive and render them completely unusable. Our hard disk shredder is capable of reducing a whole hard disk into scrap metals in under 1 minute.
Pulverising involves the use of a hydraulic press to crush the target material or equipment. This is usually done on objects or equipment made of metal or hard plastic in order to render them inoperable, and irrecoverable, reduce their size, and make them more compact for disposal.
Wastes from IT assets often contain valuable material e.g. Copper in cables. These materials can be recovered and recycled or sold to recover a portion of the value.
We love recognizing our employees’ hard work and today is Mrs. Faridah’s time to shine.
Mrs. Faridah is our hardworking Payroll officer from the Human Resources Department. She is the one who ensures each payroll runs smoothly and is the senior officer we trust to support the team fully. Her unlimited energy and vast experience is a huge benefit to us at Aegis. We’re so lucky to have her on our team.
Thank you Mrs. Faridah for all your hard work! You’re definitely a shining STAR!
One of the most important lessons of Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj is that Allah SWT has promised all of us: With every Hardship, there’ll be Ease. (Quran, 94:5).
May Allah bless our journey and fill our hearts with serenity and may you receive what you’ve been praying for.
One of the most important lessons of Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj is that Allah SWT has promised all of us: With every Hardship, there’ll be Ease. (Quran, 94:5).
May Allah bless our journey and fill our hearts with serenity and may you receive what you’ve been praying for.